This presentation is part of Teradyne’s DevOps effort and highlights the benefits of using the DevOps tools. It also introduces a proposed training path.

DevOps is a culture, practice, and set of tools that aims to unify the development (Dev) and operations (Ops) of software applications. DevOps enables teams to collaborate better, deliver faster, and improve quality and reliability of their products. To that end, Teradyne has developed tooling to support Continuous Integration (CI) and Continuous Delivery (CD). One of the cornerstones of collaborating on software development is effective workflows using a Distributed Version Control System (DVCS), namely Git. Before a team can implement DevOps using CI/CD, they first have to learn how to collaborate using Git.

Good technology comes from great teams! To enable the Test Engineer to learn Git, learn collaborative workflows, and prepare for DevOps, Teradyne developed a new training course, Git For Teams (G4T), based upon a book by Emma Westby by the same name. The course is comprised of three sections. Part I speaks to the stakeholders and focuses on working in teams, governance, branching strategies, and workflows. Part II communicates to the developers and concentrates on applying commands to the workflow. Part III deals with Git Hosting and Git Hosting Services. At the conclusion of this course, the student is prepared to use Git, working as a collaborative team member, and is prepared for the DevOps For Test (D4T) training course.