As the industry adopts more advanced process nodes, smaller transistors are creating new design and manufacturing challenges. How do you ensure you are getting high-resolution and parametric device data to result in faster device learnings? How do you balance time-to-market requirements with ensuring the end product’s performance, reliability, and quality?
Teradyne and proteanTecs have partnered to accelerate our customers’ time-to-market and improve their system on chip’s (SoC’s) performance and quality. One customer reduced their product development timeline and achieved a 14% reduction in power by using the combined solution.
proteanTecs’ deep data analytics provide new levels of device visibility, leveraging on-chip monitoring with machine learning to provide cloud and edge analytics at characterization, qualification, test and in mission-mode. This information is synthesized into actionable insights, alerts, and inline decision recommendations.
At the device level, the Teradyne and proteanTecs partnership delivers easy access to proteanTecs’ on-chip Agent data on Teradyne testers. With a single line of code, proteanTecs’ solutions can be instantiated in Teradyne’s IG-XL software via Teradyne’s PortBridge tool for use on Teradyne’s UltraFLEX and UltraFLEXplus testers, ultimately delivering improved end-product performance, reliability, and quality.
An automated workflow between proteanTecs and Teradyne improves our customers’ ability to quickly ramp their devices—without additional product development risk—and provides actionable insights on both the tester and in the cloud. These targeted analytics include process grading, VDDmin prediction, post-to-pre-silicon correlations and fine grain latent defect screening.
Teradyne’s PortBridge streamlines the flow of information to enable design and bench engineers to communicate directly with the ATE for debug, and test engineers to understand and diagnose failures in the flat patterns.
Key features of PortBridge include:
- Protocol Libraries for common protocols that devices use today, and ones needed in the future. Usable all the way to production.
- Remote Connect, built-in support to connect EDA tools and custom bench environments to the ATE remotely. Gets the right people looking at the problem, using the tools and environment they are familiar with.
- Design File Support, which enables the use of standard design formats, like SVF, or custom formats, to eliminate conversion steps that waste time and lose valuable information.
- Host Debug Tools that deliver out-of-the-box, protocol-specific tools to expose the exact details needed while developing and debugging a test program.
- Production Enablement, the same protocol libraries can be used from debug to production to help with correlation, reduce overall effort and provide failure analysis with optimal test time.
This joint proteanTecs and Teradyne solution provides a simple method for retrieving data from on-chip Agents on a device under test (DUT) and reporting that data back to the user for real-time inference settings or to the cloud for later processing. This capability, combined with advanced analytics and machine learning delivers:
- Insights from the chip, accurate outlier detection and increased test coverage
- Early detection of systematic production shifts and advanced fine binning for operational flexibility
- Faster time to volume production through expedited product ramp-up and test-time reduction
- Advanced alerts on faults before they become failures, achieving true predictive maintenance and higher mean time between failure (MTBF) for end customers
With support for proteanTecs deep data analytics through Teradyne’s PortBridge, customers can be sure integration and deployment with Teradyne’s UltraFLEX and UltraFLEXplus testers are streamlined and simple. And no additional code is required to deploy the solution across multiple sites. Teradyne’s PortBridge handles all the multisite Agents, to deliver rapid deployment, ensuring insights can be quickly incorporated.
Learn more about proteanTecs and their health and performance monitoring solutions on their website.
Learn more about Teradyne’s PortBridge on our blog and watch our 3 for 3 video short about the value PortBridge delivers.