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System Level Test

Emerging Technologies Are Driving System Level Test Adoption

With the size of semiconductor transistors decreasing and chip complexity increasing exponentially, semiconductor test has become essential to ensuring that only high-quality products g...

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Ensuring Your Semiconductor Test Equipment Is Protected from Rising Cybersecurity Threats

Cybersecurity threats pose risks to your business everyday and can attack every aspect of your operation, and these threats are only increasing. According to IBM Security’s Cost of a ...

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Teradyne’s PortBridge: Simplifying the Path from Design to Test

    The Path to Test Getting an integrated circuit (IC) from design to test is an arduous process that encompasses a number of steps, including: Design for Test (DFT): process...

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The Future of Connectivity Is Higher Data Rates and Micro-positioning

These days, we tend to take global wireless connectivity for granted. Whether we’re in a coffee shop, a hotel room or a plane at 35,000 feet, chances are that we’ll be able ...

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System Level Test

A Real-world Use Case for the Industry’s First Fully Automated System Level Test Platform with Integrated RF Test Instrumentation

System Level Test (SLT) is testing a device under test (DUT) in an environment that closely matches its final use. The growing complexity of SOCs and SIPs, combined with increasingly st...

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The Future of Wireless Test is Over the Air

Emerging Need for Over-the-Air Test Methods The deployment of mmWave technology is synonymous with 5G rollout and the initial results for faster links are amazing. For example, using a ...

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The Great Migration to 5G is Underway

A Quick Wireless History – How We Got to 5G Every decade brings with it a plethora of technology changes, and the cumulative effects of 50+ years of changes in wireless technologies a...

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Test Strategies

Minimizing Execution Risk in Test Solution Development

Test development projects are a mix of engineering disciplines with a complex and interdependent ecosystem. The ability to assess risks and their impact on the entire project can be the...

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Test Strategies

Semiconductor Test in the Gate All Around Era: SemiCon Korea 2022

The past two years have witnessed unprecedented growth in the semiconductor industry, driven by advances in artificial intelligence, natural language processing, automated vehicles, and...

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System Level Test

System Level Test – A Primer: White Paper

As semiconductor geometries become smaller and greater complexity is pushed into chips or packages, System Level Test (SLT) is becoming essential. Peter Reichert, System Architect for T...


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