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Test Strategies

High-Speed Scan Testing with Streaming Scan Network & IEEE 1149.10: ITC 2021

Advanced processes are driving rapid data growth from testing, requiring new approaches to testing at higher speeds. Ed Seng, Product Marketing Manager at Teradyne, presents an overview...

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Test Strategies

Detecting Spatial Blotches in Image Sensor Devices: SemiCon West 2021

One of the most common defects in image sensor devices is spatial blotches. The appearance of blotches in image sensors is a regular occurrence, and may be generated by internal moving ...

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Test Strategies


From 5G mmWave to 6G THz: RF Test Challenges: SemiCon West 2021

As each “G” in mobile networks generations takes about eight years to follow the previous one, we’re only about five years away from facing new 6G THz test challenges. And given t...

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Semiconductor Test – Staying Ahead of NanoDevices: SemiCon West 2021

In the semiconductor fabrication process, engineers continue to innovate, enabling smaller transistors and higher density circuits. The transition to FinFETs allowed 7nm and 5nm process...

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The Trouble with Wide-Bandgap Semiconductors: SemiCon West 2021

The massive increase in people working from home, and demand in xEVs has accelerated the adoption of wide-bandgap semiconductors in consumer and automotive products, introducing new tes...

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Site to Site Variation in Parallel Test

From wafer to system level test, parallel test execution delivers significant benefits, including reduced costs, yet it’s never as simple as that PowerPoint slide you present to manag...


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